Tiny Moving Parts

Album Review: Breathe by Tiny Moving Parts (6/10)

"Tiny Moving Parts' warmed-over compositions, barred of standout moments beyond a few intrepid axe displays, could have been plucked from the mid-'90s."

Unity of purpose and emotional grandiosity, spurred naturally by the group's familiar bonds, inject this collection of pop punk, emo-tastic spazz-outs with a patina of depth. Ultimately, Tiny Moving Parts' warmed over compositions, barred of standout moments beyond a few intrepid axe displays, could have been plucked from the mid-'90s. Lead single "Medicine" represents the disc's finest, especially when factoring in the video which depicts a surgical patient shredding the gnar mid-operation.

Listen to Breathe here:

Rating: 6/10

Hopeless Records

Producers: Greg Lindholm and John Fields.