New Music Seminar

New Music Seminar Presenting An A&R Seminar in N.Y.

New Music Seminar is hosting a seminar on Nov. 29 in New York titled "How A&R Has Changed for Independents and Majors. What you Need to Know to Get Signed."

A&R is one of the most pivotal business relationships in your musical career. Not only can they be the gatekeepers to getting signed, they are instrumental to your success while at the label. This NMSession is about understanding what A&R’s look for in a signing. When is the right time, what is the best way to approach them and the role of an artist manager.

The key points discussed will help prepare yourself to be signed, managing expectations (what A&R’s can and cannot do) and what you need to continue to do to have a long and prosperous career. The seminar will also look at the difference between signing to a Major v. an Independent label, understanding data and the decision-making process.

At check-out, you can post a question you have about A&R and they'll pass it along to the speakers. Tickets cost $12.99 and are available at eventbrite.com/e/new-music-seminar-presents-how-ar-has-changed-for-independents-and-majors-what-you-need-to-know-tickets-39879601963?aff=eac2

A.J. Kasen - VP of A&R, Eleven Seven Label Group
Austin Rice - Director of A&R, Atlantic Records
Suzanna Slavin - A&R Manager, Mom+Pop
Derrick Aroh - A&R, RCA

Moderated by:
Richard Westover - Head of Music Data Services, Shazam

6:00 - 7:00: Welcome Schmoozing with light snacks
7:00 - 7:20: A Conversation with Emily White, Founder of Whitesmith Entertainment on the role the Artist Manager plays in this relationship.
7:20 - 8:20: Panel Discussion
8:20 - 8:30: Q&A
8:30 - 9:00: Continued Networking

The NMSessions are tailored for a high-level discussion on what you need to know about getting signed and have a limited capacity of 60 people, which quickly sell out. Please note, there will be no walk-up tickets available.