The Lymbs

New Music Critique: The Lymbs


Moody and mysterious, the Lymbs seem to want to do things differently and are never too eager to please. Ultimately, their tunes prove to be compelling and winning, thanks to a studied simplicity, an edgy intimacy, that is at work on every recording. “Color and Clockwork” is a case in point. The song has a spare, intriguing arrangement that patiently builds a percolating groove. “Hall of Mirrors” is cut from the same sonic cloth and is likewise punctuated by stabs of electronic dissonance. The band’s vision crystalizes with “The Hourglass” where singer Gage Bickerstaff’s raspy tenor impresses with its emotive ability. Fans of alt-J will gravitate to this band, whose low-key burn is just what the doctor ordered.

Contact: [email protected]
Web: thelymbs.com
Seeking: Label, Booking, Publicity, Mgmt
Style: Indie Rock

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