Maná at the Kia Forum

As the number of fans that came pouring into the Kia Forum of Inglewood, CA, the excitement and anticipation for the legendary band, Mana, was intense. It’s been close to a decade since Mana played in the Greater Los Angeles area. However, the lights began to dim and right out the gates “Labios Compartidos” started to play. Fans sang, while several Mayan and Aztec symbols showcased on a large jumbo tron, with surround sound; along with sea turtles swimming in the ocean. This was a very artistically designed set.

After their first song, lead singer Jose Fernando Emilio took a pause to explain their cause (the meaning behind the sea turtles and how their group is doing what they can to preserve these endangered species; as this means so much to them. Next, they played “Rayando El Sol,” a foretelling song which means “it’s easier to get close to the sun than to a lover’s heart.” This track left many women in the crowd with tears in their eyes.

A brief intermission occurred as frontman Jose Fernando walked off the stage and drummer Alex Gonzalez took over. Gonzalez had the audience in shock as he started to uncontrollably beat the hell out of his drums like his life depended on it; and he performed awesomely. Mana then performed a song called “Chaman,” a song referring to a trip that Jose Fernando took where he was in the middle of the jungles in Peru, and there is when he met with a Shaman. The Shaman enabled Jose Fernando to have an inner and outer body experience that, according to him, made him more in tune with the Earth and nature.

Half way through the night, the crowd stood restless and enthusiastic. Jose Fernando came back to perform with the rest of his band mates. Jose instructed everyone in the audience to pull out their cell phones with their camera lights on. Then out of nowhere, once the entire Kia Forum illuminated, “Oye Mi Amor” (their most popular, very catchy song) played and had almost everybody singing along.

With other hit songs to their catalog, Mana (which means positive energy) has proven to be one of the best Mexican rock bands around, and they’re showing no signs of slowing down.