Live Reviews: Evan Roth

The Viper Room  West Hollywood, CA

Web: evanroth.com

Contact: [email protected]

Players: Evan Roth, vocal, keyboard; Adam Gust, drums; Tim Kozba, guitar; Eric Sitner, bass

Material: Evan Roth is a keyboard player and singer-songwriter whose writing style closely resembles Chris Martin of Coldplay. Martin, who was influenced heavily by a band called Travis (not to mention U2), seemed to ooze out of Roth at every turn during the performance. Hints of Martin, Travis and U2 slowly eased out of Roth during “Growing Up” and “Mystery Woman,” whose intro, by the way, was a great opener. 

Musicianship: The musicians are very good. Though at times they seemed unrehearsed at this show, when called upon they put out an A-Game. Kozba came through on “Mystery Woman” as he wow’d the audience with his solo with perfectly placed chops that catapulted the song to another level. Sitner and Gust were very solid as they held down the rhythm section with professionalism and class. On “Growing Up” the rhythm section stood out and stood tall as they held it strong for the others to do their thing. Great tune.

Performance: Roth is a natural entertainer and has a very likable persona. He addressed the crowd repeatedly and kept them up-to-date on the songs and where the inspiration for each song came from. He had a unique bond with the audience that showed through in his music. Sometimes sad, “Not Over;” sometimes hopeful, “Space Cowboy;” and sometimes optimistic, “Growing Up,” his songs encompass a wide spectrum of topics and personal experiences. But the “sometimes angry” ones, as in “Woman,” were the ones that really ignited the crowd. Playing piano, Roth’s raw emotion came shining through as if his heartbreak had just happened yesterday.

Summary: Evan Roth is a very emotional person. He wears his heart on his sleeve and his music is an extension of that emotion. Writing from the heart, he opens it up for people to have a look (and listen) and his writings are a catalyst for his musical inspiration (an insight to his soul, as well). His music is unique and danceable and if you like that Coldplay style, you will find Evan Roth’s music pleasing and relatable.