Album Review: "Just Causes" by Noel Paul Stookey

Noel Paul Stookey, the legendary “Paul” of Peter, Paul & Mary fame, continues his lifetime of folk-centered protest music, speaking to a new generation of fired-up social activists with the release of Just Causes (Neworld Multimedia), a carefully curated compilation of 15 socially conscious tracks from Stookey’s illustrious solo career – all freshly remixed and remastered by John Stuart.

The Vocal Group Hall of Famer has paired each song on the collection with an appropriate designated non-profit organization to benefit from the album’s proceeds, i.e. “In These Times” with The Nature Conservancy, “Danny’s Downs” with the National Down Syndrome Congress, “Jean Claude” with the Dallas Holocaust & Human Rights Museum and “Revolution (1x1)” with Sojourners, a faith based organization that promotes the integration of spiritual renewal and social justice.

Just Causes addresses many of the issues that continue to plague our world – hunger, reproductive rights, immigration, missing children, safe energy, drug addiction and the environment. For Stookey, the album title “indicates that the album contains not only those songs that share a commonality of mutual concern and intent, but also that those concerns are well founded in a search for justice.”

Check out “Revolution 1x1” here: revolution1x1.org

For more information: noelpaulstookey.com