Live Review: Tiffany Thompson

Livestream   Winston-Salem, NC

Contact: tiffanyt@tiffanythompsonmusic.com

Web: tiffanythompsonmusic.com

Material: Perhaps you desire a singer with a heart of gold. If so, Tiffany Thompson could be the perfect choice. Originally from Iowa, her family brought her to Russia before carrying her with them to Austin, TX and Chicago, IL. Since then, she’s moved from Virginia to Tennessee and N.Y.C. This nomadic shift from country bumpkinism to urban wonder seems to have influenced her songwriting. In fact, the evening’s starting number, “New Communion,” concerns her recent move to North Carolina. Using just a guitar, keyboard and microphone, this artist’s soul shines through with deeply personal tales and perspectives. Her song “We Are the Dreamers” was featured on Lifetime’s Dance Moms, and she’s gone on tour with America and Mindy Smith.

Musicianship: It could be impossible to recreate the excitement of a concert experience over the web using nothing more than a camera phone. Thompson’s efforts toward making this happen are admirable, yet there’s only so far one can go on a virtual platform sans accompaniment. Her guitar strumming and keyboard tickling skills are on point, but pleasantness is her defining musical characteristic. Thompson’s voice is dreamy, full of wonder and hope, although missing the surprise and fireworks of a superstar.

Performance: Featuring a mix of old favorites and never-before-heard songs, Thompson regaled the audience with her perfectly crafted lyrics. It might have been nice to hear a cover or two, but StageIt’s limited timeframe means there wasn’t much space for this sort of excursion. Throughout her half hour appearance, she burbled amiably, chatting into the camera like it was her best friend. The set concluded with a request to “give somebody a hug.”

Summary: Thompson is another singer in a world overflowing with equivalent talent. Her strengths are a sunny disposition, guaranteed to induce smiles, and taut songwriting, bursting with lyrics worth contemplating. For some, this might not be enough to earn one’s devoted fandom. For others, the honest connection she offers will subsume any flaws present in her artistry