Online Q&A with Studio Manager Candace Stewart

Connect with Candace Stewart, the legendary manager of East West Studios in Hollywood.

With over 30 years of experience in studio management, Candace is a leading figure in the recording business. As part of the core team at East West, she has helped the studio deliver over 190 Grammy nominated songs and albums. She has worked with artists across all genres of music, including The Rolling Stones, Tom Petty, Foo Fighters, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Justin Timberlake, Pharrell, and Snoop Dogg, as well as acclaimed film composers such as Jerry Goldsmith and Paul Williams.

For the next seven days, Candace Stewart will answer all of your business and industry-related questions on our community platform. Learn about how to cultivate a successful career as a producer or engineer and find out what it takes to run one of the world’s leading studio destinations.

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