MEA is Calling all Leaders in Tech and Entertainment

The Media Excellence Awards are extending invitations to companies who submit for the 13th Annual MEA's this year to be a guest on their Mission Matters podcast to talk about all things innovation, technology & leadership. The podcast will help leaders spread the innovation and hard work they all deserve to be recognized for.

MEA has honored technology, entertainment, business, and lifestyle, across all mobile platforms for 13 years now. They recognize and honor all things from new technologies, breakthroughs, start-ups, content creators, distributors, brand engagement and everything in between that engages and entertains us via our smart phones and screens.

All podcast interviews are now being aired on Spotify, Apple & iHeart among others, so submit your company by August 1 to avoid late fees or drop a lien if you have any questions at [email protected]

Once you finish the submission, you will receive a confirmation with the contact to schedule the podcast interview.

Submit here!