Mike Peters Love Hope Strength Foundation saving lives at Capitol Hill

Love Hope Strength Foundation Saving Lives on Capitol Hill

The Alarm's Mike Peters' Love Hope Strength Foundation is set to save lives with a special event on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC on Tuesday, Sept. 6. The "Get On The List" event is a lifesaving bone marrow donor registration program run by the Love Hope Strength foundation (LHSF) in partnership with DKMS—We Delete Blood Cancer, who are inviting U.S. Senators, Congressmen, staff, government employees and visitors to Capitol Hill to register and become potential life savers at their first-ever cheek swab donor drive. The event takes place in the Capitol Building between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. in room HVC-200 in the Capitol Visitor Center (CVC). House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will serve as an Honorary Co-Host for the event alongside House Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer.

The Get On The List program registers people to the international donor registry by hosting cheek swab drives at concerts and music festivals with the support of many world renowned artists including Robert Plant, Kenny Chesney, Enrique Iglesias, Linkin Park and more in the wilderness and at world class music festivals such as Lollapalooza, Austin City Limits and England's Isle Of Wight Festival. Since 2008, LHSF has added over 150,000 music fans to the international bone marrow registry resulting in 3,000 potentially life-saving matches.

In 2007, Mike Peters, a two-time cancer survivor himself, co-founded Love Hope Strength, a leading rock and roll cancer foundation. Inspired by the powerful words he had written decades earlier, the charity promotes innovative, music-related outreach and awareness programs for cancer sufferers and their families. Since 2010, the Love Hope Strength foundation has been hosting donor drives at concerts and festivals across the globe and has registered upwards of 100,000 individuals to the International Bone Marrow Registry. Through these registrations, to date the foundation has provided more than 1,800 life-saving matches.

For more information on Love Hope Strength, visit lovehopestrength.org.