Album Review: Ty Segall - "Emotional Mugger" (7/10)

Ty Segall approaches the proficiency output of author Stephen King, releasing more material in one year than most artists do in several. One suspects he’s been getting a little bored in the studio lately, though––his newest release is a showcase for studio experimentation at the possible expense of the listener’s patience. The songs are solid and glammy, but Segall takes delight in deconstructing the mixes with abrasive synth tones and blasts of sound that frequently obscure the rhythm section. The guitar playing is impressive throughout, though, and is one of the few things left intact, while Segall seemingly dares you to enjoy the rest of the “anti”-production.

Score: 7 out of 10

Ty Segall
Emotional Mugger
Drag City Records
Producer: Ty Segall