Charles Wiley

New Music Critique: Charles Wiley


Composer/drummer Charles Wiley offers a medley of themes (named perhaps for his favorite vegetable?) that not only showcase his compositional skills but his deft touch on the skins. Powered by an insistent horn section and a cool fusion of synths and saxophone, “Corn on the Run” generates a compelling vitality that builds to an uplifting X guitar solo that dazzles with its dexterity. Wiley dims the mood with the loping, wobbling synths of “Kernels” before delivering a X dose of swirling supernatural mystery (and lurking mayhem) with “Corn Man,” which blossoms into a big-beat horn-fueled spree. Though Wiley’s music might lack an overtly modern edge, it is consistently evocative for videogames or films.

Contact: [email protected]
Web: charleswiley.net
Seeking: Distribution, Film/TV, Label
Style: Instrumental Synth/Fusion/Prog

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