MuttNation Celebrates “Mutts Across America” For 2nd Year

muttnation foundationMiranda Lambert’s MuttNation Foundation will continue their Mutts Across America: 50 States/50 Shelters initiative. A total of $206,000 was distributed to shelters in each of the 50 states in January, with the minimum donation to an individual shelter being $3000. Lambert said, “I feel so passionately about helping all animals, and I’m thrilled that we have once again been able to give to phenomenal shelters all across the country. The people at these shelters do such amazing work day in and day out and are truly heroes for the animals.”

The MuttNation Foundation board worked to find the most deserving shelters in each of the 50 states. MNF does not solicit grant applications. The board researches shelters on their own in order to surprise the selected recipients. The criteria used in the decision to support these shelters were:

• High adoption per intake rate: At least 90% successful adoption rate. Low euthanasia rate (10%)

• High volunteerism: People rarely jump on/stay on a sinking ship. Do they push volunteerism?

• Fiscally responsible: Do they have low administrative/staff ratios?

• High activity/fundraising: Are they working hard to earn income?

• Any specialties: MNF selected a zoo, a horse sanctuary, disabled pet farm, and an elderly/senior pet sanctuary, a last chance rescue for animals from other shelters and a blind farm to name a few. What is special about them?

• Presence in the community: Do they work outside of the shelter to adopt out or minister to elderly, schools, etc.?

• Current website: Do they send newsletters? Is their site/Facebook updated? Do they appear to still have the “fire?”

• Spay and neuter push: Are they heavily advocating/helping in spay and neuter campaigns, clinics and activities?

• Reasonable adoption hours: Are they open on weekends, nights, and/or weekdays? How many hours?

As explained by MNF co-founder Bev Lambert, “In October 2014 we took over our first owned and operated shelter in Tishomingo, OK, Redemption Ranch. Prior to that, we didn’t operate a shelter but we adhered to the belief that we should 'hold up the arms' of those who do. We are fortunate enough to have the funding again this year to continue this initiative which is so important. We believe the selected shelters stand as examples in the fight to end animal homelessness, abuse and neglect, as well as encouraging adoption, spay and neuter programs and avoiding needless euthanasia.”

MNF continues to support their partners in animal rescue at The American Humane Association and Northshore Animal League as well as Lambert's home town shelters, Redemption Ranch in Oklahoma and Pet Fur People in East Texas. A complete list of the shelters that received donations is available at MuttNationFoundation.