Noel Gallagher’s Collection of Epiphone Guitars to go on Display at British Music Experience

Epiphone 150th Anniversary: Featuring the Guitars of Noel Gallagher at the British Music Experience is a temporary exhibition charting the history of this iconic instrument brand through the guitars of one of its most loyal artists, Noel GallagherEpiphone 150th Anniversary: Featuring the Guitars of Noel Gallagher will run from September 27, 2023 to January 14, 2024 and will feature four of Noel’s private Epiphone guitar collection.

From the timeless cool of the jazz age through the looking glass of 1960s psychedelia to the wall of sound of 1990s Britpop and today’s eclectic scene, Epiphone instruments have remained central to pop culture’s “big bang” moments. The Casino, the Texan, the Sheraton, the Riviera – model names that chime with guitarists everywhere, inspiring awe and desire in equal measure, whether you are a Beatle or a beginner. What most people don’t realise, however, is that Epiphone’s history stretches back even further than Gibson’s, beginning 150 years ago in a port on the Aegean Sea in what is now Turkey.

A very American tale recounts the story of the Stathopoulo family’s journey from Greece and the Ottoman Empire to the streets of Manhattan and the eldest son, Epaminondas or Epi for short, taking his immigrant family’s honed craftmanship and leading the charge on modernizing instrument manufacturing for the rapidly changing times. Epiphone, meaning Epi’s voice, set its sights on rivalling the other great American guitar manufacturer, Gibson. Following the tragic death of Epi from leukaemia in 1943, the company fell on hard times. In the 1950’s on the recommendation of Les Paul himself, Gibson successfully purchased Epiphone for $20,000 and set the stage for a new era in instrument design and creation.

To mark 150 years of EpiphoneNoel has kindly loaned four of his private guitar collection for this exhibition, including his Epiphone Riviera with Bigsby from the Definitely Maybe album cover and his Epiphone Frontier FT110 used on the (What's the Story) Morning Glory recording.

To purchase general entry tickets the BME, go to www.britishmusicexperience.com.