Web: instagram.com/hairtheband

Contact: [email protected]

Players: Alec Alvarez, guitar, vocals; Dylan Nelson, bass, vocals; Parker Biehn, keys, vocals; Arthur Siegal, drums

Material: Hair, The Band is a rock & roll outfit who met surf music at the coffee shop and decided to put a grungy, contemporary twist on the whole thing. The songs are solid rock & roll with great rhythms and beats. Sometimes hard driving; sometimes on the softer side, but always melodic and interesting. They started out the set with the surf-vibed “Don’t Mean a Thing” that blew everyone out of the water. A rock & roll tune with a thundering bass line that put Hair on the map. It was followed up by “Feel It” with another great bass line as all the members were…feeling it! All the songs were straightforward rock tunes that had the audience up and dancing the whole set. 

Musicianship: Excellent players all around. Nelson and Siegal carried the songs throughout the set. That left Alvarez and Biehn to shade, coat and decorate each song with exceptional talents and abilities. Great musical ideas were consistently thrown at the audience and they loved it. “Night Man” had a great keyboard/guitar intro that suckered the audience into thinking the song was a ballad, but then the guys turned on the engines and viciously assaulted them with some great rhythm & blues infused rock. “Snake Bite” had a great drum intro that led into some good ol’ hard rock/grunge. Superb dynamics in every song. 

Performance: Excellent. You could tell the whole band was into the music, and so was the audience. Everyone listening grooved and grooved to every number as each one came off better than the last one. The more the band danced, the more the audience loved it and joined in. 

Summary: If you like Zeppelin/Frampton sounding hard rock music, Hair, The Band is your new go-to band. Hair managed to keep the songs fairly simple, but at the same time still get a whole lot out of each and every tune. Bass and drum driven songs with great guitar riffs are mixed with good vocals and exceptional background vocals and harmonies. Every song was great; from “Mercury” to “Untitled 38” to “Doghouse,” they were all good. The dynamics were exceptional, as well. Hair kept the audience guessing at every turn and they loved it.