New Music Critique: Ned and Wendy the Band


Ned and Wendy the Band 
Contact: ndwnd.art@adam-seyum
Web: Instagram @nedandwendy_the band
Seeking: Exposure, Booking, Management
Style: Folk

Simple, live recordings by this couple (Lindsey and Jordan) are a pure pleasure.  With just her voice and his guitar, their sheer talent makes you sit up and take notice. “Awake” gently, patiently and with a disarming poetic simplicity evokes the rising energy of someone greeting a brand new day.  Lindsey is again a positive life force brimming with humanity on “These Are Not The Words,” hinting at the vocal flair she can deploy but never shows off. She never attempts to overwhelm and overpower, but to embrace and to share.  It’s Jordan’s turn to impress on ”Only Time,” where he pulls an impressive array of tones and textures from his guitar.  We urge this talented duo to splurge on some good equipment and studio time.