Live Review: Saint Bodhi

The Mint Los Angeles, CA

Web: saintbodhimusic.com

Contact: [email protected]

Material: Saint Bodhi is a female hip-hop/rap artist hailing out of Los Angeles, kicking butt and taking names as she treks along her musical way. The songs are lyrically focused in the way of Mary J. Blige, Queen Latifa and Beyoncé; and as her words influence the songs in a strong, aggressive manner, Bodhi’s tunes catapult the listener smack dab to the middle of her experiences, no apologies. Each song sends a clear and concise message and puts us in touch with Bodhi’s feelings.

Musicianship: This particular performance was karaoke-style, with Bodhi singing along to backing tracks. She has good range, hitting high-highs and low-lows with ease. Bodhi sings about her experiences and, as the lyrics are coming out of her mouth, it seems as if these experiences are absolutely fresh in her life. “Hurt Like Me” is a great example of how Bodhi’s poetry puts you in her place and makes you want to destroy the man that just did her wrong. It’s a song with a great melody and lyrics that take you over the top.

Performance: Bodhi has great stage presence and even when plagued with technical difficulties on one of the songs, (a lost song), she managed to sneak in a joke and make light of the situation. When Bodhi sings “Zombie,” she takes her fans to the streets and to the harsh realities of drugs and prostitution. This cruel, unforgiving world is a platform from which Bodhi addresses her supporters. She has great rapport with her fans and talks to them as if they were long-time friends; and that makes the performance special and personal.

Summary: From humble beginnings in South Central Los Angeles, to just about near stardom, Bodhi’s musical journey has followed an enjoyable and pleasurable long-and-winding road. The artist’s latest 2021 release, Antisocial, and 2020’s Mad World have garnered praise, acclaim and commendation; and a 2021 Grammy nomination for her work with Kirk Franklin on Lecrae’s “Sunday Morning” doesn’t hurt none.