Attend MusicPro Café livestream concert

MusicPro Insurance and Sterling Select Entertainment Insurance will present another MusicPro Cafe on Thursday night, July 15th at 9PM EST (6PM PST) immediately following the SoundOn’s Summer NAMM Bash at The Nashville Entrepreneur Center.

It will feature The Packard Family Strings, Keiko Komaki, Melroze, Caitlin Eadie, Mary Jennings and Buck McCoy.

The performance webcasts designed to provide paying gigs to musicians without stages during the pandemic now serve to raise awareness for those indie artists in an effort to further their careers, during hybrid live and online webcasts on YouTube and Facebook. Three performances in front of a live audience will alternate with three Zoomed in from cities around the country.

The shows are supported by PreSonus, Pandora AMP, Focusrite-Novation, TAXI A&R and new sponsors The Music Managers Forum US, SoundOn, Audioshake, and Single Music.

With clubs, cafes and other live music venues re-opening, performing musicians can again present themselves to a public eager for live music. However, fans have also become comfortable attending performances online. The MusicPro Café gives artists a chance to reach a large audience of viewers either in-person or online. Viewers going to the MusicPro Café website will find links to watch and listen on YouTube or Facebook Live, they can visit a Café in-person, or they can see the show’s recording afterward on YouTube.

For more information visit musicprocafe.com