Attend AIMP 'Copyright Terminations' Webinar

Thursday, March 25, the AIMP Los Angeles Chapter will tackle “Copyright Terminations and Legacy Catalogues: What Publishers Are Missing” in a webinar to be held at 5:30pm ET / 4:30pm CT / 2:30pm PT.

Registration is free for AIMP members and $5 for non-members, and is available here.

During the online event, panelists Miles Feinberg (President, Music Rights Group) and Peter Raleigh (President, Raleigh Music Group) alongside moderator Erin M. Jacobson, Esq. (The Music Industry Lawyer & AIMP LA Board Member) will discuss two of the hottest topics in the music industry right now: copyright terminations and catalogue acquisitions. In particular, they will look at the catalogues that often get ignored in the wake of multi-million-dollar mega-deals, as well as alternative strategies to handling terminations, what publishers are missing, and how they can maximize success with these catalogues.