Enter the 17th Annual International Acoustic Music Awards

The 17th Annual International Acoustic Music Awards is offering three opportunities for musicians or songwriters who are music artists.

1. Get music industry exposure from A&R directors from the "Big 3" record companies: Universal Music Group, Warner Music Group and Sony Music.

2. Get radio exposure: Receive radio promotion to over 250 radio stations in US and Canada, and there's more to come!

3. Winners will be featured on syndicated radio show, Acoustic Café. Acoustic Café is syndicated to more than 77 Commercial and Noncommercial radio stations. And also on an Acoustic Radio Program (Podcast).

The biggest challenge for a lot of musicians is music industry exposure and getting signed. Past winners of IAMA (International Acoustic Music Awards) have not only gotten signed but hit the Billboard Hot 100 Charts, Billboard 200 Album Charts, winning Grammy Awards and much much more...

Deadline: Enter by November 6th or earlier. Register online now.