Big Hit Entertainment Holds Auditions for a New Boy Group

“This is your moment.” Big Hit Entertainment (hereinafter referred to as “Big Hit”) is holding a global audition in order to seek out talented individuals with potentials of an artist. The official announcement has been uploaded on the audition website. Applications for ‘2020 Global Audition of Big Hit Entertainment’ open June 1, 2020, and close July 10 worldwide and July 31 in the US. Applicants are able to apply online through Big Hit Entertainment’s official audition website (https://www.bighitaudition.com).

While ‘2019 Big Hit Global Audition’ was held on-site in various countries or regions such as Canada, Australia, Bangkok, and many more, this year’s entire audition process will be held online, allowing any male applicants born after 2003 from all around the world to be eligible for application. Big Hit Entertainment is prioritizing applicants’ convenience and prevention of further spread of COVID-19 through online application.

Furthermore, unlike last year where applicants had to choose one out of other categories (vocal, rap, dance, acting, and modeling), this year’s audition allows applicants to upload any type of content that best shows the individual’s potential as an artist including, but not limited to, videos and photos. The application process consists of four stages as follows: online application, first round, second round, and final round. Applicants who have passed the audition will be notified individually via the contact information filled out on the application form.

More details are available on the Big Hit Entertainment’s official audition website and SNS.