Join TAXI Music for the "Quarantini" Happy Hour

Earlier this week, TAXI Music announced its new "Quarantini" Happy Hour. Their statement reads as follows: 

Announcing TAXI Music’s “Quarantini” Happy Hour!

Our weekly TAXI TV audience loves nothing more than enjoying a frothy libation and socializing in the chat room while watching the live broadcast.

They inspired us to create a live, real-time place where we can all relax and hang out with musicians of all types from all over the world. We’re experiencing this pandemic together, after all. Every one of us!

It’s sadly ironic that it took a pandemic to bring us all together, but meeting new friends who also love creating and producing music might be a silver lining :-)

Join Us Every Tuesday - Friday at 2 pm Pacific Time on
TAXI TV's YouTube Channel!
We want to include musicians of all types (not just TAXI members), from all over the world, and you will pick the topics. I’ll be there to answer questions, but it’s going to be directed by you!

And like TAXI TV and the TAXI Road Rally convention, we want to keep it very supportive and friendly! Trolls will be excommunicated on the spot ;-)

You can talk about what's going on in your (musical or personal) life, how you’re dealing with being cooped up, ask pressing music creation or music business questions, share recording and production techniques, trade songwriting tips, ask film and TV music licensing questions, trade time management ideas, meet collaborators, talk about your frustrations or best placements, and whatever else you want our daily hangouts to be about!

Celebrity Guests
We’ll be joined by some TAXI All-Stars from time to time, as well as some of my music industry friends, so drop by and meet them!

Let's Turn This Into a "Thing!"

We’re doing this for love, not money. It’s totally free — no strings attached. We want to give you a place to hang out with old friends and make some new ones from a bunch of different countries and cultures.

We Only Ask Two Things: 

  1. Be polite and respectful.
  2. Tell every musician you know about the TAXI Music "Quarantini" Happy Hour, and here’s why…

If our community gets big enough, I’ve got gear manufacturers that will give us microphones, software, guitars, books, and keyboards to give away for… wait for it… yes, FREE!

Spread the Word!

So forward this email, post about it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and any music-related groups, chats, or forums you know of. If we can get our audience to hit 1,000 people during the live show, I can get my hands on some great stuff to give away!

To Join the Daily "Quarantini" Happy Hour...

Simply go to youtube.com and search for "TAXI Independent A&R." Then click on the red "subscribe" button! That way you'll get an instant notification that will alert you each time we go live. Otherwise, you can click on the button below to go to our YouTube channel at 2 pm Pacific from Tuesday - Friday and click on the "Videos" section where you'll see the live video for the day and can join the show there.