
Up Close: Sennheiser

Seven Decades of Innovation: Sennheiser continues to shape the future of audio—a vision built on a 70-year history of innovation and a continued drive for excellence that is woven into the company’s DNA and culture. The company’s philosophy is: “For us, good sound is not enough. We want to achieve the perfect sound. We want to make sound come alive.” Sennheiser has won numerous international awards: two innovation prizes of German industry, the “technical Oscar” (the Scientific and Engineering Award), a Grammy and an Emmy Award.

Its history includes many technological milestones—the first directional microphone in the ‘50s, the open headphone in the ‘60s, infrared transmission technology in the seventies and multichannel cordless transmission in the ‘80s. In the ‘90s, the company developed head-related surround systems, while intelligent audio information systems were the focus of its interest at the start of the new millennium. Today, Sennheiser continues to drive the progressive digitalization of the audio world and create immersive audio experiences with the 3D audio technology program AMBEO.

IE 40 PRO: In September 2018, Sennheiser announced that it was launching a new series of Sennheiser professional in-ears, beginning with the IE 40 PRO entry model. The IE 40 PRO ensures impeccable audio reproduction with warmth, great detail and natural clarity, improving the artist’s focus and performance control even in difficult stage situations. This meticulous audio performance is complemented by a well thought-out mechanical design that includes a patent-pending, break-proof cable ducting. In early 2019, the IE 40 PRO will be joined by the IE 400 PRO and the top-of-the-range IE 500 PRO.

“The IE 40 PRO is the first and most accessible in a new series of fantastic sounding dynamic in-ear phones,” said Jannik Schentek, Product Manager Professional Audio at Sennheiser. “In the field test phase, the IE 40 PRO’s sound reproduction astounded the engineers and bands that tried the prototypes. They were delighted with the clear and natural reproduction, which enabled them to better connect with every member of the band and to critically monitor their performance.”

Natural, detailed audio reduces acoustical stress: At the heart of the IE 40 PRO is a high-quality Sennheiser driver, which delivers a naturally warm and powerful sound with great clarity. Distortion is at a very low level with 0.1% at 1kHz and 94dB. The bass and lower mids can not only be heard but also felt—a delight for bass players, guitarists and drummers. Powerful Neodymium magnets provide the necessary punch with an SPL of up to 115dB. This clear and natural sound has the added benefit of reducing acoustic stress for the user, who will be able to set the monitors at a lower level. To protect users against excessive stage sound, the IE 40 PRO is able to reduce ambient sound by up to 26dB. This is achieved by a choice of included silicone ear tips (S, M, L) and a special ear tip made from memory foam, which expands to perfectly fit the ear canal.

Contact Sennheiser, 877-736-6434, sennheiser.com