Robert DeLong - Just Movement CD Review

Robert DeLong
Just Movement
Glassnote Records
Robert DeLong
Score: 8 out of 10

Robert Delong isn’t always a bummer; on a few tracks he’s actually rocking the party (even if the party is just the two of you in the car on the way to Coachella). And on another, “Few Years Make,” he’s the Paul Simon of electronica, using his sweet voice to give us vignettes of a love story. One of DeLong’s favorite movies is 2001: A Space Odyssey, which explains why many of his rhythms start out primal only to be match-cut with the technologically sublime; and yet, deep down, no matter how mechanical, like HAL, it’s got soul. Many of his sounds come from his interaction with a series of video game systems (especially the Wii) which, no matter how artificially blissful, is comfort food for our generation’s ears. --Daniel Siwek