Last Hours To Bid On ZZ Top Signed Gear

Dusty Hill of ZZ Top is leading the charge to raise $160,000 to help 200 veterans get a home this next year through Veterans Matter. Every $1 the band receives goes to house a homeless veteran in their hometown of Houston, TX.

These pieces are inseparable, sold only as a package.

Dusty Hill’s Precision Bass
Dusty’s trusty Fender, with his autograph on the gleaming body.

Billy F Gibbon’s Stratocaster
Elaborately autographed by Billy F Gibbons himself.

Frank Beard’s Drumhead
Frank’s signature on his signature instrument, a Remo drumhead.

To bid, visit http://www.ebay.com/itm/TAKE-HOME-ZZ-TOPs-signed-gear-and-help-a-HOMELESS-VETERAN-GET-A-HOME-/181042613242.