
Music Supervisor Seeks Music for Indie Feature Film

An L.A.-based music supervisor is seeking music for a quirky indie feature film about life and death. The director is seeking melancholy indie music with female or male vocals in the vein of Smashing Pumpkins, Frankie Cosmo, Daughter, Former Vandal, Vancouver Sleep Clinic, Of Monsters & Men, etc...

Think: ambient indie rock, emotional post-rock, emotionally empowered ethereal music, soft percussion drove indie/alt rock, soft bass driven indie/alt rock.

Composers and musicians from all geographical areas will be considered. Compensation: $500 per track

To submit, visit filmmusic.net/job-details/FMN-Job-5978---Music-Supervisor-Seeks-Music-ASAP-For-Indie-Feature-Film-1710.html