The Victorians seeking music for soundtrack

Indie Feature Film, "The Victorians," Seeking Music for Soundtrack

Independent feature film The Victorians, an ensemble black comedy piece based in Amsterdam, is heading over to Cannes and the film festival circuit.

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Currently, the post-production team is taking this opportunity to discover undiscovered artists with impressive sound. They are looking for fresh, raw music talent to appear on the soundtrack and want to find the best in unsigned, up-and-coming artists of every genre. The soundtrack will be a raw patchwork of breakthrough musicians. They emphasize talent--not popularity. Submissions should think the music as being along the lines of Big Lebowski, Trainspotting, Snatch and Pulp Fiction.

The deadline to submit is approaching fast; it will be open until Sunday, Feb.12.

The Victorians seeking music for soundtrack

For more information and submissions, visit thevictoriansfilm.com/soundtrack or share their post directly via Facebook.