Live Review: Codi Sky at Social State House

Live_CodiSky2_SiriSvayMaterial: Codi Sky’s repertoire consists of slick R&B beats, electric accents and a pop flair that translates well on stage. The Maryland native’s discography, much like her set at Social State House, is comprised of original songs and covers. “W.W.Y.D.” is not only a standout in her setlist, but her recorded library. With a groove befitting the pop/R&B label she defines herself under, it showcases exactly what Sky looks to achieve in her music.

Musicianship: Sky’s vocals are reminiscent of Jessie J and Rita Ora, though there are moments where they sound weaker than others. Time and growth in confidence will certainly help the songstress reach the potential that is apparent when she lets her voice soar. Her backing band brings the live performance even more depth and takes the live versions of the songs up a notch from their recorded counterparts. Where some young artists may just perform songs as heard on record, Sky and her band bring added musicianship to each and every track they perform.

Performance: Alongside “W.W.Y.D.,” another shining moment in Sky’s set was her cover of Usher’s “Good Kisser,” a last-minute addition that served as an impromptu encore. While she did comes off as more confident on her covers as opposed to her originals, it needs to be said that the talent is there, and Sky has nothing to worry about as far as vocals go. Her backing band also brought a lot to the table, providing a strong background for their singer, most notably guitarist Mathilda Fritzell who shined with her guitar solos. Another aspect of Sky’s performance that was commendable was her presence. She was goofy and relatable as she spoke with the crowd, and for what it’s worth, it was very engaging.

Summary: Sky is obviously a young artist, but that shouldn’t detract from her appeal. It is only a matter of time before she comes into her own and finds her confidence on stage, not only with her own songs, but in front of larger audiences.  – Victoria Patneaude