New Toys: Baby Audio Transit

Transit is a plug-in that adds motion and synchronized (or random) events in a much less tedious way than using many plug-ins and a lot of very intense automation. Transit is a sound design engine with 18 different effect modules and a master Transition Control knob—a kind of master wet/dry knob for all effects at the same time.

There are seven slots of modules highlighted in yellow to chain in any order you want, and two of the same modules can be connected in series. Transit can get pretty complicated and, after spending an afternoon with it, I had saved many presets—actually variations of the included collection of over 300 presets mostly from co-designer/producer Andrew Huang. 

Transit is for making any percussion, noises, musical notes, really anything sound like nothing I've ever heard before. After going through all the presets, I've saved my tweaked versions and named them as my favorites to be tried in my next mix. But the fact is I would not know which Transit patch or patches would work at a given moment on a particular instrument or vocal. That is the fun! Exploration!

I immediately got creative with the 18 effects and their many fully adjustable parameters. There are: AutoPan, BitCrusher, Chorus, Delay, Distortion, both 12dB and 24dB/octave filters, flanger, Noise Generator with resonance and a cutoff filter (my fav), synth oscillator with different waveform shapes, OTT is a three-band parametric equalizer, a phaser, pitch shift with both LFO Rate and Depth, then Pump, Reverb, Spread stereo widener, Tremolo, and a Utility module for changing Panning, Tone and Gain.

What a fantastic plug-in! I'll be using this on every mix and not just for all the wacky stuff it can do but also for all the beautifully subtle sounds possible, as well. Transit is compatible for both Macs, PCs and the new Mac M1 computers and sells for $99 MSRP.
