Livestream Review: Jesse Palter (Palter Ego)

Livestream • Novel Studio  Los Angeles, CA

Web: jessepalter.com

Contact: [email protected]                                   

Players: Jesse Palter, vocals, Sam Barsh, piano

Material: Jesse Palter is everything, from pop to jazz to Broadway and whatever’s between. She goes with the flow in her music and it usually turns out pretty good. She started out her set with “Wrong Girl,” a song that was very progressive jazz sounding. The kind of jazz where you are sitting in a smoke filled bar, the waitresses are scantily clad and the drinks are stiff martinis that screamed FIRE as they go down your throat. Flip the coin and Palter is singing a beautiful ballad in the style of Broadway, “I Brag About You,” where the melody and the piano just melt together in perfect harmony.

Musicianship: Palter has a very good voice that resonates when she sings, easily hitting the highs, lows, falsettos and even some added, unexpected notes. She really goes with the flow and delivers where others would falter. Mesh, mash and gel as one, she did it with Barsh who, in this outing, manned the music on the piano. The two became one as they played off each other in a light and teasing manner, most notably on “Heavy Is The Crown.”

Performance: Palter is a natural when it comes to talking to an audience. That skill kept the performance interesting in between songs as she even toasted the audience. She enjoys being in front of the camera and it shows. Her stories are fun and interesting to listen to as she bares her heart to the world. Barsh sat behind his piano, grooving to all the songs and getting into them as if they were his own. Together this pair entertained viewers for a whole hour and twenty minutes.

Summary: Jesse Palter has been on her own for a few years now and it seems things are turning in a positive direction with the new Palter Ego collaboration of her and Sam Barsh (who, by the way, has co-written a song called “Collide” that has garnered a Grammy nod). Make no mistake, Palter is no slouch. Her albums have been produced extremely well and she is an extremely talented singer-songwriter. Palter Ego will no doubt be a fruitful journey and we all anticipate the arrival of new music.