Upcoming WSDG Webinar: Lessons from Electric Lady

Lessons from Electric Lady - LA Style
August 25, 2020
10:00 pm ET
Past, Present, and Future of Recording Studio Design hosted by WSDG Founding Partner John Storyk — and a special guest

This discussion will trace the history of innovation that has coincided with Storyk’s career and the work of WSDG as one of the preeminent leaders in modern recording studio design. Starting with Electric Lady Studios (1969-70) he will highlight the unique goals and challenges associated with this process, and how a potent combination of predictive acoustics, architectural experience, and technological advancement leads to the creation of these one-of-a-kind artistic spaces. Additionally, Storyk will present WSDG’s newest project in Los Angeles, and how recent innovations and possible turns in the industry
are shaping the recording and content creation studios of the future.

Brought to you by the Los Angeles section of the Audio Engineering Society

Register here.