Attend Upcoming Webinars from Architectural Acoustic Consulting Company WSDG

Low Frequency Behavior in Critical Listening Environments – Behavior, Research Tools, and Advancements
-Hosted by John Storyk, Founding Partner, WSDG

July 30, 2020 12:00 ET

Dirk Noy, WSDG Partner, senior acoustician, Director WSDG-Europe
Peter D’Antonio, Founder, RPG, Director of research REDIacoustics
Renato Cipriano, WSDG Partner, Grammy award-winning engineer

Language: English

The study of low frequencies in acoustics for critical listening environments such as modern audio control rooms, as well as high performance conferencing environments and home theaters has historically been analyzed by techniques developed a century ago, primarily for use in rooms with simplistic, cuboid shapes.  These methods have been less effective when it comes to predicting the acoustic signature of irregularly shaped spaces, and in particular do not allow for correct implementation of effective low frequency absorbers.  Now, thanks to advances in acoustic research and predictive wave acoustic software development, new tools and methods are under development and being implemented for superior low frequency control and optimization in any room - regardless of size, shape or materialization.  Some of these principles, research and techniques as well as real world examples will be discussed.


Technology and Systems Integration in Architecture

-Hosted by Sergio Molho

Language: English

August 18, 2020 12:00 ET

In today’s world of increasingly complex technical media installations, multi-functional devices, and computer-controlled sound and video systems, the integration of all equipment pieces into a working system is a complex engineering task. Therefore, it is important to understand how to properly design and implement these solutions for commercial, corporate and residential areas -- providing seamless integration that allows these systems to be operated by personnel with differing needs and technical skills.

About WSDG Webinars Series

Teaching and educational projects have always been a crucial part of WSDG’s operations.  Our Senior Partners and Acousticians have been active in sharing our knowledge and experience through courses and lectures on acoustic design and architecture at educational institutions and conferences around the world.

The purpose of the WSDG Webinar Series is to expand the accessibility of these educational opportunities through a series of ongoing webinars and on-demand content that will explore the topics of architectural acoustic design and media systems engineering that we have come to know so well.  These webinars are free and open to the public.

Click here to watch Past Webinar "Lessons from Electric Lady" by John Storyk
Click here to watch Past Webinar "From Dreams to Reality" by Sergio Molho and Joshua Morris