She Rocks, Vol. 1 - music album review

Music Album Review: Various Artists - "She Rocks, Vol. 1" (8/10)

A compilation project featuring some of the best female guitarists working today, and released in cooperation with the Women’s International Music Network (sponsors of the She Rocks Awards), delivers 11 tracks of varied six-string delights. You’ve got the progressive metal of Yasi Hofer on “Cosmic Stars,” the legendary Lita Ford and Lez Zeppelin covering “The Lemon Song,” Jennifer Batten’s Jeff Beck-like gymnastics on “In the Aftermath” and Alice Cooper axe woman Nita Strauss tearing it up on “Pandemonium.” Women are stepping out front now more than ever, and this stellar collection effectively celebrates that fact.

Score: 8 out of 10

Various Artists
She Rocks, Vol. 1
Favored Nations
Producer: Brad Tolinski and Steve Vai