RockSweat Offers Rock & Roll Workout At The Roxy

Evan and Diane Founders of RockSweatRockSweat™ (www.rocksweat.com) is a new music-intensive fitness event held at the Roxy on the Sunset Strip. The unique workout experience is set for December 13 with additional dates in January of next year.

Evan and Diane Harrison are the co-founders of RockSweat. Evan is a radio industry veteran who created iHeart radio and Diane is a fitness professional.

Evan explains, “I’m a fitness junkie, but I always felt like the connection between music and fitness was missing. I realized that great music venues with amazing sound systems, smoke machines and projected images to give a full concert environment usually sit vacant in the morning, after the cleaning crew leaves. So I went around LA to see what clubs were interested in bringing in a new clientele and the Roxy loved the idea.” Evan’s music expertise helps to create the epic playlist for each workout, then a DJ takes over and spins while Diane leads the group workout in her own choreography which varies week to week. Evan says, "She's got the moves and I've got the rhythm."

The 45-minute full body workout includes everything from dance cardio to HIIT and Pilates core work, and every class features six minutes of yoga led by a guest instructor. This is not meant to replace other regimens, rather to supplement them and add some fun to your workouts. Tickets are $20.