
Retailer Seeking Music For Shopping Commmercial

White Knight Worldwide Media and MusicOpps.com are pitching tracks for a national retailer's Summer shopping commercial. Submissions are welcomed from May 21 to June 10.

To enter, tracks must be well-produced, professional, and ready for inclusion in programming. Tracks should be no less than 90 seconds and music must be uplifting, upbeat, and fun. Scenes will show shopping with branded logos, nice architecture, dining and family entertainment.

Commercial will be aired nationally, promoted as ads on all major platforms and mobile outlets including YouTube Ad content, and via ad purchase spots for website sales.

Ad duration will be no longer than 31 seconds, airing for no longer than 2 months. After, they will be an archived and available online via YouTube.

All tracks matching the submission criteria will  be passed along to advertising firm decision makers for consideration. If selected, MusicOpps.com staff will then provide the contact information and steps for artist to complete the process. All submissions must include a SoundCloud link of your song--No file-delivery or FTP links. Submission fee is $15.00 per track. To enter, visit musicopps.com.
