• Product Profile: Gamechanger Audio Plasma Pedal

    The Plasma Pedal from Gamechanger Audio is one of the most unique effects pedals I’ve ever seen. Based in principle on Nicolai Tesla’s Tesla coil, the Plasma Pedal creates distortion and fuzz effects by amplifying an audio signal up to 3,500 volts and then transforming it into electrical discharges. With ...
  • Tip Jar: The Importance of Investing in Yourself

    By JTJAZZ For artists deeply devoted to their craft, self-investment is a cornerstone for growth and prosperity. This pivotal step manifests in various forms, leading to a profound understanding of one’s purpose and an elevation of self-worth. Embracing this transformative process wholeheartedly is essential; it involves exploring uncharted territories to ...
  • Out Take With Austin Weber

    Composer/Singer/Songwriter Website: austinweber.info Most recent: Rent Free Referred to as the “Andy Kaufman of love songs” and likened to Jonathan Richman and Jaques Tati, singer, songwriter, composer and visual artist Austin Weber went viral in 2018 with a cover of ABBA’s “Mamma Mia” and continues to make his mark through theatrical ...
  • Songwriter Profile with John Kruth

    Blurring Boundaries Singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist John Kruth has released 12 solo albums and seven projects with his world music ensemble TriBeCaStan. The latest offering, The Folklorkestra’s A Strange Day In June was an experience that drew deeper performances from all involved. Known for his banshee mandolin and flute skills, the ...
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