Enter Musiversal’s songwriter search

Got songwriting talent? Enter Musiversal’s songwriter search!


Musiversal is the first global platform that gives music creators live access to top-tier, highly curated session musicians, vocalists, and producers worldwide. From Sept. 14 through Oct. 14, songwriters and music producers anywhere can enter their best songs for a chance to win $10,000 in cash awards in Musiversal’s global songwriting contest.


How it works: Visit musiversal.com where contest details will be posted soon. Enter by subscribing to Musiversal using a special coupon code for 40% off, and then use the platform to record your song using at least one musician.

Songs will be judged by three industry experts: British music industry executive and music manager Stephen Budd; Nigel Harding, global vice-president of artist relations at Deezer; and Magdalena Jensen, creative director and co-founder at Balance It Out Records.


Three winners will be announced by Nov. 14.

Prizes will be awarded as follows:

First Place — Overall Best Song: $7,000 plus a one-year free subscription to musiversal

Second Place — Best Lyrics: $1,500 plus three months free subscription to musiversal

Third Place — Best Melody: $1,500 plus three months free subscription to musiversal


Everyone who enters will receive a 40% discount on Musiversal so they can continue to refine their songs in live recording sessions with the platform’s world-class musicians.