FAR-West Conference Oct. 13 - 16

Attend "FAR-West Teaches" with Dan Navarro

Folk Alliance Region will hold an educational series "FAR-West Teaches" with Dan Navarro, hosted by Julie Zipperer, on Jan. 27 at 2:00 pm PST. Register on Zoom or watch on YouTube.

Description of “Stream Now, No Waiting” Event:

Live streaming is here to stay, not just as a substitute for in-person shows, but as an effective way to connect with and grow your audience. And even make a few bucks.
While there is a wide array of platforms, protocols and equipment available – and the sky IS the limit – you can go live now with what you already have, or augment with minimal expense.
All it takes is some thought into how to look, sound and present yourself at your best. Plus a few tips and resources for the next stages as they come up.

Register on Zoom or watch on YouTube.