Devon Thompson and Zach Person Are Named Gibson Spotlight Artists

As part of Gibson’s commitment to artist-first culture and music discoveryGibson has launched the brand’s first-ever Gibson’s Artist Spotlight program which features an evolving and diverse roster of musicians and provides emerging artists from diverse genres around the world with global exposure and services committed to their career growth worldwide.

Gibson has introduced two of the talented musicians from the Gibson Artist Spotlight roster, Zach Person and Devon Thompson. In line with Gibson’s ongoing commitment to elevating new music from emerging musicians around the world throughout the year, the Gibson Artist Spotlight Program will showcase an evolving group of musicians who will be celebrated across Gibson’s global and international channels. Fans can learn more about Gibson Artist Spotlight musicians and listen to their music every month HERE

Zach Person’s high-energy rock anthems showcase an eclectic range of influences, from country to R&B.

Zach is currently in the midst of a U.S. tour and will tour the UK and Europe in June, for dates visit: https://zachperson.com/.

Devon Thompson
Born in Los Angeles early this century Devon Thompson comments that her earliest memory was punching through a pane of glass, to see if she could. Quite successful in this venture, profuse amounts of blood, stitches, parental trauma, and slight fear of her next move meant performance art was already championed. Growing up a pale, emaciated misfit, Devon found her home listening to music. Early Siouxsie, The Animals, The Cramps, Bill Evans and the Beatles permeated her developmental years. By the age of 19, Devon had been playing Los Angeles clubs with her bands for many seasons. Longtime radio talent and music manager Christopher “The Minister” was referred to her early in 2020. Having worked with talents in the dark wave world, Minister sent Devon to a veteran producer to get her creative ideas into recorded form. Her recordings are thus far lingering with the Bel Canto of Roy Orbison, the delicacy of Harriett Wheeler, and the sheer aggression of PJ Harvey

Devon has released her new EP, SKIN HERE; catch her west coast tour this spring in the following cities: https://www.devonthompsonmusic.com/.