"The Voice"

"The Voice" Casting Announces Open Mic Night

The casting team behind the hit NBC show The Voice has unveiled a new initiative to support up-and-coming artists by announcing an Open Mic Night.

According to the casting team, the goal of Open Mic Night is to provide a platform to aspiring singers to showcase their talent on a larger scale. However, unlike The Voice, participating artists will not be involved in a competition.

The event, sponsored by the hit TV show, is scheduled for the second Monday of each month. The first of which is scheduled to take place Monday, Aug. 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Hotel Cafe in Los Angeles, CA.

In order to receive a spot on the lineup, all interested artists must register via an artist account on The Voice casting website and submit a link on the Open Mic Night tab at least two weeks prior to the event. Performing artists will have the opportunity to perform 2-3 songs at the event. A total of eight artists will be selected per Open Mic Night. Solo, duo and trio performers are welcome.

Open Mic Nights are open to the public and have free admission. There is no obligation to audition for The Voice after participating in Open Mic Night.

For more information and application information, visit nbcthevoice.com/openmic