Signing Story: Larkin Poe--A Sisterly Signing

LarkinPoe_credit Mark Hug Screen shot 2014-11-10 at 9.27.05 AM

Atlanta-based sister act Larkin Poe (distantly related to famed poet Edgar Allan Poe) formed in 2010. They’ve since self-released five EPs, collaborated with other artists and toured for three years before signing with RH Music, the relatively new venture of Restoration Hardware. It was a considered decision that was only made after their autonomy was assured.

“We were fiercely independent,” says younger sister Rebecca Lovell. “We’d been approached by labels in the past, but we’d always decided that we wanted to do it ourselves because we were able to move quickly and make ourselves sustainable. We weren’t making big bucks, but we were in control.”

“They courted us for a long time
and were patient. We give them credit for that.”

It was around this time that Damian Lewis (a friend of band-manager Monica Tannian and connected with Eoin Harrington at RH Music) reached out.

“Eoin asked Damian if he knew any artists who would be a good match for their label,” Rebecca recalls. “Damian turned around and asked Monica. That’s how the connection was made.

“At first, we were apprehensive because we were so independent,” Rebecca continues. “But they latched on to the idea of working with us; they were persistent. They courted us for a long time and were patient. We give them credit for that.”

“You need to know what you stand for before you get into a situation,” elder sister Megan adds. “Even though we may look back at earlier projects with twinges of regret or embarrassment, it’s important to put your mistakes out there. That’s the only way you’re going to learn. Because once you’re in a position where you have opportunities, you’re then prepared for them.”

Kin dropped in America on Oct. 21. It dropped earlier in Europe, where the band have tour dates with Elvis Costello. Restoration Hardware’s move into music is seemingly an unusual choice. But perhaps it represents the future of the industry: businesses diversifying into the sonic sphere. – Rob Putnam