New Toys: Imperative Audio Portable Vocal Booth

Auralex Acoustics is the distributor of the Imperative Audio Portable Vocal Booth. Imperative claims the PVB reduces the RT60 time down to 0.07 seconds—with an average of 28.4 dBa of sound level reduction from outside sources. That's incredible for a portable vocal booth that you can set up in a few minutes. If you've tried to record a vocal track or a simple narration voiceover, getting a quiet space for recording is only half the problem.

By staying close to a directional microphone solves some of the sound isolation issues, but that leaves the acoustics of the space you're in. Recording in a clothes closet to deaden the sound and in the middle of the night to avoid external noise is not exactly a very professional and workable solution.

The Imperative Audio Portable Vocal Booth is designed to free stand and nearly wrap around your voice talent while either seated or standing. There are three high-performance layers of acoustic treatment plus an optional roof is offered.

The Portable Vocal Booth is made of lightweight aluminum and its cylindrical design ameliorates typical problems with right-angled vocal booths or sound screens. The PVB is adjustable from 5' 9″ to 6' 10″ tall. If you record from a seated position, the legs retract for positioning the PVB directly on your desktop to wrap around you, your mic, and your workstation screen.

Equipped with a music stand and adjustable LED light, and comes with a protective carry bag, weighs 78 lbs., and sells for $1,650 MSRP.
