Neutrik Americas, part of Neutrik Group, a provider of professional AVL connectivity solutions, has announced its sponsorship of Women in Electronics (WE). Fueled by authenticity, courage and commitment, Women in Electronics is a community of progressive leaders at all stages of their careers dedicated to expanding the opportunities for women in the electronics industry, industrial industry, and related markets.

Women in Electronics kicked off in the fall of 2017 by a group of 20 inaugural women coming together for the 1st Annual Leadership Development Summit. The group was built with the premise of women working collaboratively to find inspiration, strength, and empowerment through a sense of community, while uniting with male colleagues to collectively fill the next leadership pipeline. Neutrik Americas recognizes the importance of WE’s efforts and is committed to helping the organization gain the recognition it deserves. Neutrik Americas views this new relationship not just as a sponsorship, but as an important step forward to a brighter and more diverse future.
Stacy Kaskon, Vice President of Neutrik Americas, commented on the company’s new relationship with Wonem in Electronics, "Neutrik Americas is proud to partner with Women in Electronics, an organization that champions gender diversity and empowerment in the electronics industry. We are excited to engage with WE, offering our team access to exceptional resources and programs that promote professional and personal growth. This collaboration is more than a sponsorship; it's a significant step towards a diverse and vibrant future in our industry."
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