Update: NAMM's Informational COVID-19 Webinars

Take advantage of NAMM's upcoming informational webinars and learn more about the latest round of legislation slated to provide billions in federal relief for small businesses.

Part III: Timeless Selling
Friday, April 24
10 am PT

In the third and final webinar in this series, Sheridan will provide strategies, tips and advice to keep your sales moving and show how to generate business in any condition.

Register here.


Navigating Local, State and Federal Resources Through the CARES Act
Monday, April 27
10 am PT

The CITC is presenting a helpful webinar for NAMM members, covering the latest developments in federal funding and disbursement for the CARES Act.

Follow-up sessions will include additional information and smaller group breakout sessions which will provide personalized recommendations on navigating federal and state assistance. You also have access to view past CITC webinars

Register here.


House of Worship Streaming and Production in the COVID-19 Era
Thursday, April 30
10 am PT

Doug Doppler of Worship Musician Magazine will host this webinar with a panel of AV experts and industry thought leaders to cover how to effectively stream services, achieve quality audio and rehearse in a virtual environment.

Register here.


Additional pre-recorded webinars: