Submit to American Song Contest

Based on “Eurovision Song Contest,” the biggest music competition in the world, NBC’s new event series “American Song Contest” will feature original live musical performances, representing all 50 states, five U.S. territories and our nation’s capital, competing to win the country's vote for the Best Original Song.  An incredible solo artist, duo, DJ or a band will represent each location and will perform a new, original song, celebrating the different styles and genres across America.

“American Song Contest” is looking for artists, signed or independent, who own the stage and captivate an audience with original music. No Covers! No Tribute Bands! Original Songs ONLY!  The submissions process to represent each state or territory is underway and welcomes all varieties of music including country, dance/electronic, pop, rap, R&B, rock and more.

All U.S. states, American Samoa, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands and Washington, D.C. accepted. Must be 16 or older to apply. Up to 6 members in a group.

Interested applicants can apply directly at americansongsubmissions.com.