Pro Audio Users, Take This Survey for a Chance to Win a $200 Gift Card

Participate in our Pro Audio User Survey for a chance to win a $200 Amazon gift card.

Your feedback is important to us and the manufacturer partners that support the music-making community. Your insights will help them deliver exciting, new products that will raise the performance/value bar and help you deliver memorable experiences for your audiences.

Only US residents will be allowed to submit for the gift card giveaway, but all of our international friends are encouraged to submit the survey regardless. We want to know how people feel across the globe.

Depending on your responses, you might spend up to 10 minutes completing this survey. The questions are easy -  don't give them too much thought. It's best to just respond with your first instinct. At the end, you'll be qualified to participate in our $200 Amazon gift card giveaway.

This survey closes July 8. Take the survey here.