Otis Redding Gets Reissued

Otis ReddingSon of the late soul legend Otis Redding, Otis Redding III (on the left), attended a listening party at Atlanta music retailer Wax n’ Facts for a newly released Redding LP titled Lonely and Blue (via Stax Records). Store owner Sean Bourne is at right. Stax wanted to create an Otis Redding album that never existed. reissue producer David Gorman chose 12 Redding ballads that shared a unity of sound and message, and created the art for Lonely and Blue based on the look and feel of a Stax/Volt LP record in 1967. He even wrote liner notes by a fictitious radio DJ along the lines of what you might have found on a 1967 album. For additional information, visit http://concordmusicgroup.com/labels/stax and http://otisredding.com.