Labrador Records signs Eternal Death


Labrador proudly presents Eternal Death. Their debut video, "Eternal Death," premiered on Under The Radar on Oct. 8, 2013.

Under the Radar reports, "The newest artist signed to Labrador Records is, well...dark. Actually we don’t know much about him yet. But the musician, who calls himself Eternal Death, has offered us a teaser video for what’s to come. He promises something along the lines of 'ennui you can sway pensively to.' But what he’s delivered is, uh…well…press play below and see for yourself."

“Life's about dying,” says the musician via e-mail. “I sometimes fantasize what it would be like. Strange dreams. Sometimes it’s so dark there's no end to it. Sometimes there are fever-like loops playing strange chords I've never heard. Other times it’s like grey white noise, coming and going. Sometimes vivid and bright. Love larger than life, larger than anything. It embraces me. Still, the only thing I expect is Eternal Death.”

A first single will be out later in the fall.