Ivy James Can't Do Without Her Gibson Hummingbird

Emerging folk singer and songwriter Ivy James told us about her Gibson Hummingbird love...

Ivy James: One thing I cannot do without is my Gibson Hummingbird Acoustic Guitar.

My main guitar right now and in the past has been my dad’s Hummingbird. Each of the guitars I play and write on create very different things. I wrote half of my EP on the Hummingbird and the other half on my Martin, and I think that it produced two similar but separate sides to the EP. It’s an incredibly versatile instrument--I absolutely adore that guitar. Its sound is so unique and I just feel so inspired every time I pick it up. 

I have written so many songs on it--I’ve lost track at this point because it has to be somewhere in the hundreds. Every one at a certain point in time where I just surrendered to my feelings, picked up that guitar, tuned it to something random and just started playing. It’s also just beautiful to look at--I mean it’s gorgeous which I think is also part of why it’s my favorite. 

Ivy James' Ghost of You is out now.

Photo by Joshua Andrew Belida