'Alan Parsons’ Art & Science of Sound Recording: The Book' Giveaway

9781458443199_p0_v2_s260x420Music Connection magazine in association with Hal Leonard books, will award five lucky entrants a copy of the brand new hard cover book, Alan Parsons’ Art & Science of Sound Recording: The Book ($49.99). To enter now, simply click here.

More than simply the book of the award-winning DVD set, Art & Science of Sound Recording, the Book takes legendary engineer, producer, and artist Alan Parsons' approaches to sound recording to the next level. In book form, Parsons has the space to include more technical background information, more detailed diagrams, plus a complete set of course notes on each of the 24 topics, from “The Brief History of Recording” to the now-classic “Dealing with Disasters.”

Written with the DVD's coproducer, musician, and author Julian Colbeck,ASSR, the Book offers readers a classic “big picture” view of modern recording technology in conjunction with an almost encyclopedic list of specific techniques, processes, and equipment.

For all its heft and authority – authored by a man trained at London's famed Abbey Road studios in the 1970s – ASSR, the Book is also written in plain English and is packed with priceless anecdotes from Alan Parsons' own career working with the Beatles, Pink Floyd, and countless others. Not just informative, but also highly entertaining and inspirational, ASSR, the Book is the perfect platform on which to build expertise in the art and science of sound recording. Click here to enter now.